

Wednesday 30 October 2013

October's obsessions.

Since i've been working a lot, my baking and reading for pleasure has had to slow down a little bit. But luckily, the career i'm pursuing includes surrounding myself with a massive amount of books and there are plenty of bakeries in London!

ALBION in Shoreditch is one of those really lush looking cafes that sell organic oils and expensive looking tea. But beyond the slightly out of my price range produce there are some amazing, decently priced cakes.

This macaroon was £1.70 and pretty much the size of my head. Unlike with most, it wasn't full of simple raspberry jam- some kind of curd which was absolutely delicious.

In terms of reading, i've been working at different book publishers, and have had to read some really great novels. In particular, one of the latest Kathy Reichs novels. Reichs is a forensic anthropologist in Canada who uses her real life to inform her character, Tempe Brennan, who, in each novel, investigates and fights for the justice of the dead long forgotten by the authorities. The novels can be incredibly explicit- so you'll need a strong stomach- but beyond that, Reichs has created not just a technically precise career for her character, but an endearing personality. She's feisty, angry, compassionate, and flawed. Reichs has written a whopping sixteen in the series- so i'm excited to get going... starting from the beginning with no. 1: Deja Dead.

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