

Thursday 29 August 2013

Book Binge

I know that fashion and beauty blogs do 'shopping haul' posts showing off their latest high-street sprees, purchases and bargains. Much like them, i too went shopping today but the most exciting thing (for me) are the new additions to my bookcase. :DDD

The Great British Bake-Off Everyday: 100 Foolproof Recipes. £13 down from £20.
8pm on a Tuesday Night is my favourite time of the week. It means inspiration, giggling uncontrollably and empathising with bakers sitting next to their ovens like crazy housewives. I love to bake and GBBO gives me great new ideas, my cakes never come out as perfect and my kitchen is always a mess but anyone who knows me knows that baking is like breathing to me. My baking inspiration used to be my nan and her antique cupboard filled with intricate icing flowers, but now inspiration strikes religiously every Tuesday. The show's presenters are hilarious -Sue accidentally elbowing someone's muffins last week was priceless- and i'm glad that the rest of the world can now see how much fun it is to get covered in flour. This recipe book is the 3rd or 4th in my collection (i'll definitely be stealing some of my mums when i move out) and the Macaroon cake inside is first on my list to try!

Rachel Joyce, The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry. £7.99.
I wanted to buy this book when it originally came out but i was studying at the time and my reading list was stocked with classics and secondary sources for my dissertation! According to the blurb Harold Fry  unwittingly embarks on a journey across country 'to save someone else's life' and that image struck a chord with me. Harold Fry just sounds like my dad- a sweet little old man- and it's nice to already have a person in mind. A Sunday Times Bestseller and much hyped up by my own brain i hope i'm not disappointed. Especially considering Rachel's got a new novel out- 'Perfect'.

John Williams, Stoner. £1 down from £8.99 with the 'Buy 1 Get 1 for £1' Offer.
'The greatest novel you've ever read' Vintage have been tweeting about Stoner all week. A special podcast and constant retweets of recommendations and i was sold... what is this book and where can i get it? Ashamedly i haven't heard of John Williams nor his novels, and it's weird that a classic is having such a revival- and on Twitter nonetheless. I'm usually a fan of fast paced action but i'll make an exception, i'm still a literary fiend and made my way through Joyce's Ulysses last year so i'm looking forward to immersing myself in Stoner's world this week.

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