

Sunday 1 September 2013

Macaroon Mayhem

I love food blog posts with cakes and bakes that their writers claim are easy peasy, look incredible and taste amazing, but i've kind of got the opposite.
Following the recipe precisely i made the Macaroon Cake from GBBO's new cookbook, thinking i would end up with an extravagant show stopper fit for the show itself. Unfortunately, the whole thing was a little bit off- quantities, flavours and the instructions with a final product that i'll probably be throwing away.

Macaroon mixtures need to be smooth to make an aesthetically pleasing french cookie, which is why i was surprised to find desiccated coconut and flaked almond's in the recipe for these, along with no sign of a sieve to sort the rest of the ingredients. The macaroon's tasted great at the end, with the extra flavour of coconut, but they look pretty hideous- evidence below.
The cake itself is just a plain vanilla sponge, which could probably do with some cream or vanilla ganache in the middle to make it interesting. Plus, the layer of macaroon that you put on top of the sponge half way through baking stops the sponge from being able to bake entirely.

I think you can make a much better 'macaroon cake' by combining a good cake recipe with a cluster of classically made macaroons of your favourite flavour on top to make it show stopping! I hope this recipe is the brain child of the editors of the book and not Mary Berry or Paul Hollywood themselves, because if so i think they'd be very disappointed.

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