

Friday 21 October 2011

September is the new Summer.

Playa Fuengirola, Malaga, Spain
Majas Pueblo
Tarifa, Malaga,View of Morocco
Ronda, Malaga
Pescaito Gadito, Fuengirola
Chicharon, my friend's mum's delicious food!

Photos © Julian Andres Yepes Molina

The vibrant culture of any popular holiday destination doesn't begin and end with the holiday season in summer. September is definitely the new August, lower prices, lack of commotion and equally sweltering heat, with the culture perfectly sustained.
I went to visit a friend in Spain this September because having to do an internship on top of a job and sky high University fees doesn't facilitate taking time off in the 'best' holiday months, i needed to be AT that bar, taking advantage of other tourists! However, i have to say taking this delayed holiday came with several great advantages!
The area of Fuengirola in Malaga has a long stretch of beach that at that time, laid waste to the remnants of a holiday i'm glad i missed. Ghosts of drunken teenagers and lad's parties, holiday reps and hen nights left their memories on the street and made way for me. The great clubs and bars, with their cheap prices were left, Playa Fuengirola was still accommodating tourists but i was left in the company of friends that knew the best places to eat, avoided the displays of social inadequacy and lavished in the 30 degree heat.
Now i'm not saying everyone flock in September, because that would defeat the purpose, but consider the options of timing your holiday with a 50% discount on flights.

Also, i have to say that staying with a friend had benefits i didn't even consider. I've never stayed with friends abroad before, despite offers, because i deemed the gesture of an offer generous enough, i never wanted to be a burden and offering proves love, friendship and a heart which means i should't be occupying their house with my suitcases of clothes or animal snoring. However, i certainly learnt that the benefit to taking someone up on the offer isn't even about saving money on hotels, insurance and food.
Staying with my friend got me piles of hospitality incomparable to money, a smiling face at the airport of an unknown city, a personalised tour of the best places to go, and not to mention some of his mothers amazing cooking!
I found it very difficult to swallow my pride and accept the offer, thinking that all i'd get out of it was a financial saving. But it turns out i spent that saving on presents for great hosts and an experience you could never equate to or buy with money.
So, if you do head to Malaga go to Pescaito Gadito (pictured above) a seafood restaurant that looks like a fishmonger and acts like one to. Waiters wander around with plates of fresh seafood, shouting their names: 'Langostinos!'Croquetas!' Just shout back if you want one! Or head to the Maijas, where the carnivals see the sky painted with streamers and the white houses visible from the beach, Tarifa where you can practically touch Morocco, or Ronda where you can practically touch the sun, because none of that would i have seen if it wasn't for the wonders of my friends and the wonders of September.